SIG Update 202007

Hi All,

Welcome to the monthly newsletter for March 2020.  In this update we'll cover the following.
  • Meetup Planning
  • Future Trends On Modeling
  • Sparx Systems Updates
  • Cloudy Models Post Summary
  • Tip - Bezier (i.e. curved) Connectors
Meetup Planning

We're looking to have our next meetup a few weeks after the start of the school term, the week starting on the 27th of July most likely.  We will look to have the meetup over Jitsi.  We will send out details closer to the date.

Future Trends On Modeling
We've mentioned previously in this newsletter the work done by Jordi Cabot who maintains a website here on all things related to modeling.  He's got a a new blog post summarising his presentation at SiriusCon (the online conference on graphical modeling), and he has also included his slide deck.  Worth a look.  I enjoyed the comment that "Let's not reinvent UML".

Sparx Systems Updates

The big news this month from Sparx Systems is that the beta of Enterprise Architect 15.2 is out, and the beta of Pro Cloud Server 4.2 is out.  Users are encouraged to download and start testing.  There's a YouTube video from Tom O'Reilly providing an overview of what is in the release.

Also the EA Global Summit 2020 was held in early June, and the videos have been steadily being released on YouTube, so a wealth of good content is now readily available from the Sparx Systems YouTube channel.

Upcoming Webinars:
New Videos:
Cloudy Models Post Summary

Tip - Bezier (i.e. curved) Connectors
The types of connectors that can be used in EA are described here in the user guide, and there is a bunch of them.  Unfortunately for Bezier connector styles (i.e. curves), the option is not available everywhere.  It is only available in certain diagrams (e.g. activity diagrams).  However, there is a little hack, which is mentioned in various places (e.g. here) which can be used to make any connector into a Bezier curve.  In order to do this, you need to do the following.
  1. Select the connector in question.
  2. Open the tagged values for the connector.
  3. Add a tagged value with name "_Bezier".
  4. Provide a value of "1".


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