MDSE In Practice - Chapter 4 - Reading Notes
Chapter 4 - Model Driven Architecture (MDA) OMG (Object Management Group) Standard Not a specification, rather an approach to system development. Relies on UML - Unified Modeling Language MOF - Meta Object Facility UML Profiles - SysML, SoaML, MARTE, CCM 4.1 MDA Definitions & Assumptions Core Definitions: System, Model, Architecture, Platform, Viewpoint, View, Transformation 4.2 The Modeling Levels: CIM, PIM, PSM CIM - Computation Independent Model Most abstract. It represents exactly what the solution is expected to do, but hides all IT related specifications. Also referred to as a business model or domain model. Use vocabulary familiar with SMEs. PIM - Platform Independent Model Represents aspects of the CIM that will be solved using a software-based solution while remaining independent of any concrete implementation framework. PSM - Platform Specific Model 4.3 Mappings Correspondence between elements of two different models Mappings also referred to as "tr...