Satellite/Agent Service

I've been reading up on the Visual Analyzer part of the ea manual with a view to, at some point, move my development environment from Visual Studio to EA and I came across the Satellite Service.

The first part of my career was spent as a developer (among other things) working on Unix systems. I also spent a number of years running Linux (specifically Linux Mint) as my main at home laptop OS. I have a lot of fondness for Unix systems.

Anyway, when I came across the Satellite Service, it really piked my interest. You can read the details here, but below are some highlights.
  • The services primarily support EA running on unix (on Wine or equivalent) to allow users to run native shell scripts & debug unix programs.
  • Satellite service supports analyzer scripts.
  • Agent service supports debugging. That is, it talks to GDB.
  • You can start the services from within EA or separately from a unix terminal window.
  • Services are available under VEA/x86/linux in the EA installation folder.
  • When executing a linux command from an analyzer script you specify a hostname & a port number. The hostname is the network location where the service is running. The port number is that which the service has been configured to run on.

[Originally posted here.]


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