The Why/What

In the last year or so I've been involved, organised, created, done or thought about a number of inter related bits and pieces (technically speaking) which relate to the purpose of the Cloudy Models blog.
Vaguely speaking, I want to:
  • Expand my knowledge of Cloud Computing, both from an architecture and design point of view as well as a hands-on-get-my-hands-dirty point of view.
  • Flesh out and test ideas related to model driven approaches (MDA, DDD, etc)
  • Combine both Cloud Computing and Modelling and see where tooling is useful and effective.
  • Play/experiment with Sparx Systems EA.
  • And in a sense Eat My Own Dog Food.
More concretely, I have been involved in the following:
I don't have a grand plan for it all.  It's evolving as it goes.  I guess that a large part of the reason for this blog - apart from giving me an outlet to talk about this stuff - will be to link it all together in some way.

[Originally posted here.]


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