My Environment
One of my main Cloudy Models projects is working on the Ser.Aws EA plugin. Building a plugin for EA involves creating an assembly (DLL file) which EA loads on startup. The plugin can be written in a number of possible languages, but I have chosen C#. There are a number of bits and pieces that work hand in had together to make the development process easier, fun or more effective. Note that although I have a background as a programmer, it's been a while since I've spent 8 hours on a keyboard, cutting code; Also, my background is in C on Unix with smatterings of C++, Java, Perl, Ruby... etc. I did do a little bit of C# commercially, as part of working with ESRI software, but I wouldn't describe it as being extensive. Anyway, standard disclaimer, this is just my setup. It could be all wrong. I could change my environment at any moment, if I learn or realise something new. Without further ado, below is my environment (both current and what...