Chapter 5 - Integration of MDSE In Your Development Process MDSE Is process agnostic Does not define which models must be used. Integrating MDSE can be complex. One code generator a MDSE integration does not make. 5.1 Introducing MDS In Your Software Development Process Technical and non-technical aspects should be taken into account. Major challenges The imbalanced distribution of efforts & rewards among team members. The lack of socio-technical congruence. 5.1.1 Pains & Gains Of Software Modeling If the pains of modeling are separated from the gains of modeling, in particular with respect to individual staff. Those that are subjectively burdened with the pains may doubt that their effort is worthwhile. Therefore, when the work distribution among the members separates the pains and gains of modeling, we must adopt policies that recognize (and compensate for) those differences. 5.1.2 Socio-Technical Congruence Of The Development Process The introduction of MDSE...